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Board Policy G-34 Staff Conduct


District employees have a responsibility to know and abide by the federal and state laws that affect their work, the policies and goals of the board, and the regulations designed to implement them. District employees are role models and must exemplify ethical behavior in their relationships with students, clients, and other staff members. Online activity, including personal online activity, is public and therefore a reflection on the District as an organization.

Employees must exercise good judgment and common sense, maintain professionalism, and address inappropriate behavior or activity discovered on these networks. Inappropriate behavior or activity should be immediately communicated to a direct supervisor. In addition to other requirements, the following specific professional responsibilities will be required:

1. Faithfulness and promptness in attendance at work.

2. Support and enforcement of policies and goals of the board and regulations of school district administration.

3. Performance of duties and professional responsibilities in a reasonable and prudent manner with honesty and

4. Diligence, accuracy, and timeliness in submitting required reports.

5. Exercise of discretion, good judgment, and professionalism when communicating with or about students, including limiting this type of communication with students to matters concerning a student’s education or extra-curricular activities for which the staff member has assigned responsibility.

6. Concern for and attention to employee and district legal responsibility for the safety, health, and welfare of students and employees, including the need to ensure that students are under supervision at all times.

7. Care, maintenance, and protection of school property.

8. Observance of confidentiality requirements with respect to student and personnel information pursuant to applicable to federal and state law. Externally communicating any confidential information or information related to the district not intended for public dissemination is always forbidden and may be grounds for termination and legal action. Public information will be released through the superintendent or designee.

9. Copyright and fair use laws must be respected at all times. Trademarks such as logos, slogans, and digital content such as art, music, or photographs, may require permission from the copyright owner. It is the responsibility of the employee to seek the permission for any such trademarked content.

10. Avoidance of any activity that conflicts with or raises a reasonable question of conflict with the employee’s school district duties or responsibilities. In keeping with this, district personnel, who are receiving compensation from the district, excluding vacation leave, should not receive additional compensation, from any source, for identical contract duty or hours. The only exception to this is reserve duty or armed forces.

11. Treat students, other employees, parents, board members, patrons, other educators, and official representatives of
various public agencies with respect.

OKLAHOMA CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION G-34 - Adoption Date: May 7, 2007 Revision Date(s): 7/1/16, 12/6/21 Page 2 of 2

12. Do not date or otherwise develop inappropriate personal relationships with students.

13. Maintain a personal standard of conduct and professional appearance, free from impropriety, that is above reproach and which shall contribute to high morale and respect for the educational profession, the Oklahoma City Public School system, and establish proper role models for students.


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