We continue strengthening our union and ensuring the best representation for every member.
If your worksite does not have a building representative, we want to fill this crucial role with a dedicated and passionate individual from within our union. Building reps play a vital role in advocating for members, addressing concerns, and fostering a sense of unity within the workplace.
We are seeking your help in identifying potential leaders who would be excellent candidates for the position of building representative. If you know of someone within your worksite who is a union member and possesses the qualities of a strong leader, please take a moment to inform us of them.
To submit this potential building representative to us, email your support staff representative with your worksite, the name of the individual, and his/her contact information. Your input is invaluable, and we appreciate your support in ensuring that every worksite has effective representation.
Thank you for your dedication to our union and for helping us build a stronger, more united community.